Wednesday, October 28, 2009

"Thing 10: Play around with an online image generator"

Yahoo! Avatars

I created my avatar using yahoo. I found this had the most appealing options and was the easiest to use.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

"Thing 9: Explore MERLIN and locate other library-related blogs and/or news feeds"

I found it is easier to subscribe to blogs/news feeds, as it was for MERLIN, when I have my blog account open. This is also true of other activities as adding comments to other blogs.

Today it was easier to get into and use "Blogline's Search Tool" than "Feedster" and". I also had better results for China travel" with the Blogline's Search Tool".

I like "Topix". You can enter a search or use the subject tabs at the top: top stories, sports, popular, local, world, offbeat, health etc. You can click on the local tab, put your zip code and get timely articles including crime and health related ones that were of particular interest. You can get caught up exploring all the subject tabs. "Offbeat " articles include "Curry is a ?cure for cancer", "Owls take over a high school football field", San Francisco Bay Bridge closed Indefinitely". It is an informative and entertaining site to explore.

Friday, October 9, 2009

"Thing 8: "RSS 'Real Simple Syndication' feeds and Bloglines"

I set up a blogline account. There have been some technical problems viewing the video tutorial and accepting my blogline favorites. It is a great idea to get automatic updates from your favorite blogs and online sites.

"Thing 7: Technology Blog Post"

When adding graphics from the internet I found it is important to check the URL extension. It is easier to use the ones with "jpg" extensions.

A "Sunny" colleageue helped me with the "Special Friends" slideshow below.

I posted my first comment on another blog. You need to logged into your account to post a comment.

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