Saturday, August 8, 2009

"Thing 4: Register you blog and track your progress to journey into Learning 2.0 together."

I have emailed my blog URL to register my blog. I have also been tracking individual "things" posts onto my "tracking log". I am glad we can copy and paste the long addresses to track each assignment's completion.

"Thing 3: "Set-up your own blog and add your first post"

I was surprised how easy it was to set-up your own blog. I probably should have done this first then completed "thing 1 & 2" (instead of waiting to set up the blog as "thing 3".)

It also has been interesting learning how to edit blog entries after they are posted. I have found that it is helpful to go to "new post" then find edit to change an entry.

I look forward to interacting with others on my blog and on their blogs.

"Thing 1" for 23 Things Program

I think it is easier to create your blog first then do the assignments. I am backtracking my assignment comments for "thing 1".

I appreciate the creation and sharing of this program with MCPL. This is all new to me. Also with limited budgets it is an especially useful way to learn. It also encourages you to learn from and encourage your colleagues.